Friday, April 1, 2011

Chipwrecked Shipmunks

Alright! So. Hopefully brevity shall be my friend this time as we wrap up the second of the Pi-Rats episodes that were released onto DVD. While out testing the new Ranger Boat, Gadget loses her focus and the Rescue Rangers wind up crashing on a deserted island. After crashing, the gang waits out three weeks for a rescue before they decide to actually try building a new boat to simply save themselves with. Dale and Monty of course don't really want to work, and thus 'search for supplies' while instead they explore the island and discover a treasure map which only fuels their laziness even more and leads them to wanting to find the treasure. The Pi-Rats of course show up rather quickly, which makes things difficult as Dale and Monty sabotage the newly finished boat so that they can try to hoard as much treasure for themselves as possible. The Pir-Rats discover that their treasure is being looted and suspect all of the Rangers, taking Chip and Gadget prisoner in the process while Dale and Monty fight over the treasure. In the end though, the pair saves their friends and everyone makes it to a cave just before a bad hurricane hits. For whatever reason, the Pi-Rats make peace with the Rangers and help them rebuild their boat using some treasure as the episode ends. This is....probably not a great episode since it highlights Dale and Monterey being a couple of greedy bastards for the entire episode and only fuels my dislike of Dale overall even more. Not the greatest episode to watch, especially compared to the series premier.

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