Saturday, August 27, 2011

Calvin and the Colonel Part 1

I'm back with reviews! It's been a while and I've found I miss having a chance to ramble a bit about various movies, shows and shorts that I've been watching. Today will have two posts since I was late in getting this one up last night.

I'm not too sure about who Calvin and the Colonel are, or their a history aside from the fact that it was made in Black and White and has a slightly dated feel to things. The following four 'shorts' are actually about 25 minutes long each and follows two friends Calvin and Colonel who are a bear and a....rat? respectively. Also constantly seen are Calvin's waitress friend, a Judge who gives bad advice to Colonel as well as Colonel's wife and sister-in-law.

So, first up Colonel's wife and sister-in-law decide it's time he had a job and promptly force him to work in television repairs. Colonel of course is less than pleased at having to work, but makes the best of it because he knows how much trouble he will be in if he gets fired. Of course, the dimwitted Calvin comes along to help out which only ensures things will go downhill. After getting an address mixed up, the pair wind up at the wrong house to pick up a television and wind up breaking it. Deciding to lay low, Colonel lets Calvin take the fall but soon gets what's coming to him for letting his friend take the blame.

Our second 'short' featuring the pair revolves around Thanksgiving when Colonel promises his 36 relatives that they can all come to his place for a turkey dinner in one year. Of course, he had hoped they would all forget about it after a year since he can't afford to feed that many people. When the dinner must go on, Colonel turns to his friend Calvin for money, but since he is just as broke they soon turn their eyes on a new plan. Having seen an advertisement where you get a free dinner if you buy a freezer, Colonel decides to take up that offer by writing a phony check with the intent of returning the freezer before it can bounce while still keeping all the free food. The store owner of course has other ideas and threatens to call the police if the food is not also returned, prompting Colonel to try and get the food back in time.

Our last two 'shorts' are pretty similar to each other in a way and revolve more around the sister-in-law who finds a man to marry in both shorts. In the first, Colonel becomes rather curious when his polka dotted sister-in-law starts going out every night, and soon learns that a 'polka dot bandit' is on the loose and quickly assumes it's the sister-in-law. Meanwhile, the sister-in-law gushes to Colonel's wife on how she has a man and that he will be coming over that day to see her. Things soon take a turn for the worst when it's revealed that the man is actually the polka dot bandit. The second short follows Colonel as he learns that the sister-in-law has a new man and that they want to marry, after figuring out he will get the spare bedroom to use however he wants, Colonel all but supports the marriage. Eventually, Colonel learns that if she get married he will lose out on the rent money she's been paying him, thus requiring him to go and get a job. Not wanting to work, he sets out to sabotage the wedding with the aid of Calvin, the Judge and a few friends. After successfully sabotaging the wedding before it can even start, Colonel's wife reveals that they would still have received the money regardless as the short ends.

Calvin and the Colonel isn't one of the worst series of shorts I've ever seen, however there's a slight feeling that I've seen this all done before and likely done better. The animation is pretty simple and the characters don't really have a whole lot to them.

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