Friday, April 1, 2011

Piratsy Under the Seas - Rescue Rangers

A small note, this is actually Thursdays viewing, but the post itself is going up a bit late :) Rescue Rangers away! Chip an' Dale are pitted up against a band of cheese thirsty Pirats in this episode. While lugging garbage out to the bins, Dale slips inside just as the garbage man comes to take the trash away. Chip however notices this and rushes to get the rest of the Rangers so that they can rescue Dale from the barge loaded with garbage. While attempting to rescue him, Chip and Dale are captured by a group of unknown people who move through the water in a makeshift ship with a skull and crossbones flag. While underwater, Chip and Dale try to escape, though Billy the Squid chases after them and forces them to take shelter in a sunken ship where they meet up with the Pi-Rats. The Pi-Rats way of life begins to appeal to Dale who is fed up with all the work he has to do back home and quickly takes to their ways. The Pi-Rates choose him to lead the treasure hunt, where upon discovering it they tell Chip and Dale that they can no longer leave since they have seen it. Meanwhile, Gadget and the others are working to follow after their friends so that they can rescue them. They too however are chased by Billy the Squid, though Gadget soon disposes of him. She decides to have Monterey and Zipper go find their friends while she stays behind in the treasure room, where they landed, and works to build a new submarine for them to escape in. Monty and Zipper soon find the two chipmunks and after a successful disguise, manages to free the now caged Chip and Dale by pretending to be the old captain of the Pi-Rats. However, just as they are about to escape with Gadget, the old cabin boy discovers that the disguise is fake and a chase ensues. Ultimately, thanks to Gadget's brain, and Chip and Dale's efforts they defeat Billy the Squid and managed to unsink the ship by blowing the treasure out of the cannons. All in all this is a review that rambled quite longly for an episode that's probably only pretty average. >.< With that said let's move on to today's actual episode in the following post where the Pi-Rats return....

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