Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Matrix

Ah, The Matrix. How I....am so bored by thee.

The Matrix is one of those films, never mind trilogies, that I just could never get into. While I will admit the movie is good, especially when it comes to it's mind warped stunts, it's still just hard to fully enjoy. Part of this is how it can feel so very long, as well adding in how it often has parts where you need to give a bit more attention than normal movies. The final detracting factor for me is just the fact that I get lost in all of the technobabble, and really wind up not caring.

However, the cast is rather top notch and the special effects are amazing (for the time it came out). The story is pretty solid, though I really can't tell if there are plot holes or not since my brain just shut off and instantly forgot most of the details. However here is what I do recall;

Neo (Keanu Reeves) is just another guy, but one day Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) comes into his life and reveals that the world is not really all that great (surprise surprise) and instead it's an alternate reality. The truth is, we are actually asleep and being controlled by articial intelligence that is bent on conquering us and has pretty much done so to nearly every human save for a few rebels. Whoa. Still with me? Rounding out the heroes is Morpheus' gang which includes Carrie Anne Moss and a bunch of other faces I vaguely remember from other movies. Their names however elude me.

Providing our villains are a bunch of AI units and the famous Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving). Smith is pretty much the main villain here as he chases after Neo and the others, as well as the AI units chasing them in the real world.

In the end this movie ends on a climax that would make it for a good standalone film, however two sequels soon followed. What can I tell you of them? Just the titles, alas. Perhaps one day I will get around to reviewing them, but until then my brain shall get some much needed recovery.

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