Monday, November 8, 2010


One of many films catering towards children about our canine companions. Generally this film is much easier to sit through if you are younger, or a really big dog lover. If you are not one of these, chances are you should skip the film and watch something more along your taste.

The first half works rather well as the dog, Beethoven, wrecks havoc among the household after persuading the family to keep him. One running gag, the dog urinating where he shouldn't, is used a tad too often and wears thin on ones patience.

During the second half, we are introduced to our veterinarian villain. This is where the film falls apart as it becomes your run of the mill "Kids drama" film. At one point our villain even threatens the dog with a handgun........

Beethoven has nothing on some canine features like Shiloh or Lassie, yet is still better than others such as Cats & Dogs.

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