Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ultraman: Part One

*laughs uncontrollably*


Ok....ok I think I'm good now to review this. *Clears throat* Alright. Ultraman, perhaps one of the most cheesiest shows I have ever had the pleasure of watching.

Now, I don't know what the budget was like for this, or when it was made really. However, I do know that there is nothing more hilarious than watching two men in rubber suits try and do epic battles. Throw in a really fake Japanese city, a monster of the week plot and some silly scripts and you get Ultraman.

Episode 21: Break Through the Smoke

So, in this episode two of our main group, Fuji and Hoshino disappear while checking things out near an active volcano. Captain Murra decides to send in the rest of the Science Patrol to find and rescue them, however bigger problems arise when a powerful monster that is poisonous arrives and begins to attack! It's up to Ultraman to save the day, even though the monster out powers him.

Episode 22: Underground Destruction Work

Ide, a member of Science Patrol, becomes convinced that an agent dispatched from HQ isn't who she appears to be. He is soon proven correct when she reveals to be a member of a underground dwelling group of humanoids who wish to enslave all on Earth's surface.

Both episodes are pretty fun to watch, even if you spend more time laughing at the show itself than any jokes it has. The opening song and credits are pretty trippy and make me think that this is a product of the 60's or 70's. Most likely the latter. This show really is only for the most diehard fan, or those who just happen to love stuff like this.

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