Monday, September 13, 2010

Dragonball Z: Super Android 13!

Hoo boy. If I thought Sgt. Savage had overly-muscled characters, Dragonball Z far outdoes them.

If you are not familiar with the story, starting halfway in doesn't fully help. The main plot of this particular "movie" is that evil androids are let loose against our hero. Pretty much the majority of things are just one long fight that takes place in only minutes.

Apparently the characters, or the super-powered ones can fly extremely fast with a grunt and some flexing. And..if they flex and grunt enough, they light up like novelty condoms. They are also able to shoot out energy blasts, some of which grow stronger the longer they focus.

Character's are visually interesting and diverse. Extreme muscles aside. Voices can range from the alright, to slightly annoying. The animation is pretty well done for the time it was made, but overall the lack of story outside of "punch, kick, punch, punch, grunt, glow, super punch!" makes it a clunker. Unless you enjoy that kind of thing.

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