Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sgt. Savage and the Screaming Eagles!

OK. G.I Joe. We're actually going to skip talking about the show itself as a series and such, largely due to the fact that singular episode really doesn't focus on the usual cast of heroes and villains.

In 1944, Sgt. Savage goes missing and is presumed dead. Years later he is found in East Berlin after having been frozen in cryo-stasis. The..."joes" I guess you could call them, defrost Savage who is the size of a mountain. Soon he discovers his old nemesis is still alive and decides to seek revenge for what happened to his men all those years ago.

Savage is given charge of six unruly men who apparently have a lot of court martial for insubordination. Which makes me wonder what the hell the US government is thinking keeping them around. He soon whips them into shape however, in time to stop his enemy from succeeding with his plot. Krieger, the villain plots to take over the world but first things first is to take control of all the computers.

The animation is rather poor compared to other shows from the 90's. Character designs are extremely blocky and aren't as interesting as the Joes that are more well known.

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