Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dragonball Z: Super Saiyaman - Gohan's Secret.

Alrighty. Taking place years after an unnamed story arc, Super Saiyaman takes place during a time of peace. Though not peaceful enough for the now teenaged Gohan to smash the villains.

After foiling some villains, Gohan decides to don a disguise and adopts the name "Super Saiyaman" Both the costume and his behavior is quite laughable, and takes the show towards the realm of stupidity.

The first episode involves Gohan helping to stop a bus hijacking. Though he arrives at the last minute and only helps to keep it from falling off a cliff. The episode also shows how Gohan recieves his costume, name and his...super saying which involves a lot of idiotic moves.

Following it, Gohan is then blackmailed into dating a girl who claims to know his secret. Of course, trouble occurs and Gohan rushes off to lend a hand right in the middle of his date. A large building is set on fire and he works to release the water tank despite a stuck valve. In the end, the girl reveals his secret to be that he wears...teddy bear underwear. Just when I thought Gohan couldn't get more childish.

The final episode deals with the Red Shark Gang who demands a showdown with Mr. Satan. When his daughter, Videl answers the challenge, Gohan has to try and get out of his classroom without blowing his cover. Videl begins to suspect that he is the Great Saiyaman, which makes Gohan work hard to keep his secret from getting out.

The animation is on part with Dragonball Z shows, however the story is hampered by several flaws that keep it from being fully enjoyable.

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