Monday, March 28, 2011

The Real Ghostbusters - Sea Fright

Yaaaar! It be Pirate Week! Due to time constraints ye be getting an episode review this time around. This episode of the Real Ghostbusters is one that I remember well from my childhood having taped it off of the tv onto a vhs one day. Due to this, it is one of the few episodes from this series I remember quite well and thus enjoy a fair bit due to the larger exposure to it. Also, it has pirates so how could you not enjoy this? After their treasure is found and placed in a maritime museum, Captain Jack Higgins and his skeletal pirate crew invade New York City on their pirate ship and promptly begin to plunder it before striking out to find their stolen doubloons. The Ghostbusters however are on the job and after a few encounters with the wily pirates, including an attempted ambush, finally manage to trap them. This episode was actually a bit fun because the pirates themselves seemed to provide a challenge to the heroes, managing to get the better of them a couple times before they were finally subdued. Watching the pirates interact with each other, and with the modern day city was rather fun including a part where two of the skeletal ghosts mistake mannequins for real women who they assume are not afraid of them. All in all this is an enjoyable episode to a great series.

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