Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Polly Wants A Treasure

Spin it! Ahhhh, Talespin how I love thee. I mean. YAR me hearties! This be an adventure that only pirates can achieve! We be finding three main things in this here episode that make pirates great. Tricky traps in a cave, green parrots that talk and lots o' booty. When Baloo's attempt to make some quick cash doesn't quite workout, he winds up buying the sea chest of the old pirate Captain Onetoomany which contains the parrot Ignatz. Of course, Don Karnage is after the old chest and sends two of his crew, Dumptruck and Mad Dog to wreck Baloo's cargo in the search for it. However, they leave behind Ignatz not realizing that he is the map to Captain Onetoomany's treasure. Baloo, over the course of the episode takes a large disliking to the feathery stowaway until he is forced to work together with the bird when Don Karnage takes Kit prisoner. In the end, the treasure remains lost thanks to Baloo's bumbling accident when he releases a trap, though everyone makes it out unharmed. As far as Don Karnage episodes go, this might well be a middling one though it is still a lot of fun to watch. I do think though that nothing would be able to top his first appearance in the Plunder and Lightning series premier.

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