Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa Clause 2

Once again Tim Allen dons the Santa suit in this Disney sequel that seems to be trying to cash in on the popularity of the original film. Like most sequels (especially Disney) this isn't quite as good as the original but is still better than a fair number of other Christmas geared entertainment.

Santa seems to be having a couple of problems lately despite his success as the current..Santa. It seems that his son Charlie went from being young and innocent to a trouble making teen and lands on the 'Naughty' list. To make matters worse Bernard and a new helper elf inform Santa that he needs to fulfill one thing that was overlooked in the first film, he needs to get married. One must wonder though where the previous Mrs. Claus went when her husband fell off the roof in the first film......

Needing to fulfill his duties as a father, get married and keep on track as Santa, Scott decides to make a rather big mistake. Going along with a plan thought up by the new elf, Santa brings in a toy Santa to cover for him at the North Pole while he goes to get things sorted down. Bernard helps out by giving him a watch to show how much magic he has left and tells him if he runs out that he can never come back as well that he only has until Christmas Eve.

Santa Clause 2 isn't really a great film, there's a lot of small things that just add up to detract from how good it could have been. For one we not only get Comet back, but also have a second reindeer in training named Chet join us. Chet is.....annoying instead of comedic like intended and his humor largely comes from crashing or yelling gibberish. As well we get fart jokes from Comet. Things have changed a bit and are a bit more technological this time around instead of having a more fantasy base. The opening kind of drags on a bit and the romance a bit rushed considering Santa has to convince a woman to marry him and his choice is.....lacking the Christmas spirit. While it does have it's good moments there's just a bit too much to keep it from the great level.

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