Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Garfield Christmas Special

Sadly this is our last Garfield holiday special, however we can look forward to eventually delving into the animated t.v series!

This time around Garfield is celebrating Christmas and we start off in the furry felines mind as he dreams that it is Christmas day. Dream Garfield not only gets to eat his breakfast lasagnas all the way to the tree, but also receives a special chair that pops out any gift he can think of. We are treated to a short song over the opening credits that show Garfield loves Christmas and is largely concerned with getting presents.

However, Jon wakes Garfield with the news that it's Christmas Eve morning and that they will be going all the way to the farm to spend the holiday with his family. Of course, Garfield isn't all that happy about it since he would much prefer to stay in his nice warm bed. Jon's family is an interesting bunch largely the wonderfully entertaining Grandmother and Jon's Mother who sure does love to cook multiple types of potatoes and pies. I rather enjoy the subtle rivalry between the Grandmother and the Mother when it comes to the cooking, at least subtle as the Arbuckles can be.

After a large dinner the Arbuckles, sans Grandma, finish trimming the tree and Jon entrusts Garfield with the important task of putting the star atop the tree. Jon's Dad does however stop to question why the star had to be put on last. We're promptly treated to Doc Boy attempting to play piano though he is shoved aside in favor of a fast paced song from Grandma and a more sentimental one played by the Mom. With the song playing in the background, the Grandmother shares fond memories of her deceased husband with Garfield. The scene is rather nice and gives the special it's first touching moment.

Once the slightly sad bit is passed we move along to a more comedic tone as the Dad is forced to read "Binky: The Clown Who Saved Christmas" and actually has a rather good impersonation of Binky up his sleeve. Jon and Doc Boy seem to have outgrown this tradition yet keep it going if not to tease their Dad a bit. During this whole short Odie isn't overly present as he works on a mysterious project out in the barn and only after the story is over do we get a glimpse of what he is up. While spying on the pooch, Garfield comes across some fifty year old letters. He shares these with the Grandma the following morning after all of the presents have been exchanged, cheering her up. Before all is done though, Odie gives his mysterious project to Garfield, a backscratcher intended for the orange feline who is touched by the gift and learns it's not the giving or the getting but the love that makes the season so great. A short country styled Christmas song plays out as the Arbuckles dance and the credits roll.

A Garfield Christmas special is a lot of fun and balances rather well the comedic tones and the sentimental aspect of the season. The plot centering on the Grandmother and Garfield is charming and gives it that little bit extra to keep it from being just another comedic holiday for Garfield. Definitely a yuletide favorite this time of year.

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