Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Hi-Jynx!

On the second day of December, my Christmas blog gave to me.......Pokemon. Huh. Well, on with the review!

Given how many shows often slip in holiday episodes, it's not fully surprising that Pokemon would follow in those footsteps. However at the same time there is just something a bit odd seeing Ash and the gang running around with Santa who apparently trains a Pokemon called "Jynx"

In watching this episode we find Ash during his break before the Pokemon League as he comes across a stranded Jynx. This starts up his story in things as Ash, Misty and Brock discover that Jynx is lost and belongs to Santa Claus. Taking pity on her...him..?....It? Sure, lets go with "It" Taking pity on It they decide to help Jynx get back to Santa at the North Pole. The manner in which they do this is.....unrealistic, but we are also talking about a show with a furry yellow rodent who shoots lightning from his ass. Getting on a raft, they use their Pokemon to drag them as far as possible before they meet up with Santa's assistant, a Lapras (Who apparently is Psychic).

On the other side of things, we also from time to time follow Team Rocket as Jessie swears revenge on the Jynx thinking it's Santa. It appears, with the help of a flashback, that the Jynx once took Jessie's doll that was broken to get it fixed but was unable to return it. Eventually both groups meet up at the North Pole and the battle begins as Team Rocket tries to steal all of the presents while Ash and co. give it their all to foil the villains.

For the most part this isn't really one of the better Pokemon episodes, and has nothing on the better Christmas specials/episodes that are out there. If anything I would rank it somewhere in the middle, near the lower end. As well, since Ash is on his break before the League starts up this episode doesn't make any attempts to further the storyline and acts mostly as filler.

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