Thursday, December 2, 2010

All Dogs Christmas Carol

Part Two of today's Holiday blog!

Now, I love the story of 'A Christmas Carol' and the idea of it all is enough to make any adaptation even the least bit good just because we get to watch such an awesome story. However, with that said that doesn't always mean the overall product will be all that great. This is one of those examples.

All Dog's Christmas carol follows Charlie and Itchy as they are recruited by a pink angel named Annabelle to teach Carface a lesson and help stop her sister from ruining Christmas by taking over dogs all over the world. Ok....

Annabelle gives Charlie a magical dog tag that allows him to use magic in his plan to stop Carface. Using this, our hero decides to use the story from Charles Dickens to teach the evil dog the error of his ways and get him to help stop Annabelle's sister.

Even for 'A Christmas Carol' things are rather formulaic. Carface meets a ghost, and then we are treated to him viewing either the Past, Present or Future along with a song. The majority of the songs are rather forgettable, and even some of the voices can get a bit grating especially during the beginning with the angel puppies. Animation is rather standard for the time it was released and really isn't all that special.

Altogether the saving grace for the film is the fact it's using a wonderful story as it's frame. Unlike other adaptations of the book, this is one of the worse ones especially with the whole extra plot of the evil spirit trying to take over dogs. Removing that would have definitely been an improvement.

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