Friday, March 11, 2011

Winnie the Pooh: Everything's Coming Up Roses

This review shall go over four episodes from "The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh." One small thing to note about this VHS is that it opens with my favorite opening for the Walt Disney VHS'. This of course gives it some extra Awesome points. ;)

First up is 'Eeyi, Eeyi, Eeyore' in which our donkey friend is given a seed by Rabbit who claims it's worthless and won't grow. Pooh and Tigger decide to lend a hand by disguising poor Piglet as a flower to be helpful which leads to Rabbit handing over his garden to Eeyore thinking that he is a better gardener.

Following this episode is 'My Hero' where Piglet saves Tigger from a puddle and the bouncy tiger decides to become Piglet's servant to repay him. However our tiny hero finds that Tigger is just a bit -too- helpful and tries to turn the tables so that they can be even.

"Honey For A Bunny" is perhaps my favorite of the episodes. One day Rabbit decides to be rid of his bookend bunny who is missing it's mate. After a series of trading and gifting the bookend, Rabbit finds it at Pooh's house and mistakes it for the missing mate. He strikes a deal to trade the bunny for five jars of hunny though finds he's one jar short. This leads to Tigger helping out as the duo tries to get that last jar of hunny, only to find out in the end he did all that work for his original bookend.

Our last episode/segment is 'Owl Feathers' where the Hundred Acre Woods seems to have a lot of feathers floating about. Rabbit, Tigger, Pooh and a magician in-training Piglet decide to investigate and seem to feel that the feathers belong to Owl, (though Tigger claims it's horse feathers), and Rabbit claims that Owl is going bald. This causes poor Owl to become a bit depressed and finds he can't fly anymore even though it's all in his head and prompts Piglet to jump in to help with a little bit of 'magic.'

All four episodes are rather fun, especially for those who love the show and/or the characters themselves. Not all the gang appears though, Roo only pops up for one episode and sets off the chain of tradsies in 'Hunny For A Bunny' and Kanga is missing completely. Also not around is Christopher Robin for the large part of these and only shows up at the end of 'Owl Feathers.'

The animation is rather standard for the time it was released, and even though it is a bit outdated I find that I actually prefer it compared to some of the animated shows on t.v today even if they are being made with more updated technology. Our opening song is bouncy, enjoyable and just as memorable as the Ducktales or Darkwing Duck themes. :)

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