Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blackie the Lamb - Sheep Shape such an odd cartoon to me. An Wolf with no name decides that in order to get into a club to see 30 girls that he's going to need some money. Leaving the club, he comes across a newspaper article that mentions how Blackie the Lamb has just come into ten thousand dollars and decides to steal the money.

The short is easily divided into three parts, the first introduces us to the Wolf and his intention. Following this is a series of gags involving the Wolf as he tries to steal the money from Blackie the Lamb until he succeeds. The final part is watching the Wolf in the club as he tries to steal a kiss from a girl, though the girl is more interested in the money. At the end we find out the girl was Blackie all along and he waltzes away with his money and leaves the Wolf laying in the street.

The animation is alright and sort of lacks an iconic character to help carry the short in the same was as Betty Boop or Popeye. Though of course, I did not grow up during the time this was released so it is also possible that Blackie the Lamb was popular back then but just did not have the same lasting power as other cartoon short characters. Worth a watch for those curious or who are cartoon short fanatics.

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