Friday, March 18, 2011

The Animal Fair

The age of this short is rather evident in a few ways. For one, it's in Black and White which can often be an indicator of how far back you are going. The one thing that actually gives it away a bit more is the fact that music plays so heavily into the short to tell the story, more so than dialogue itself.

The short itself is largely a series of random encounters and gags that go on at a large fair full of animals. There isn't a whole lot to say about the short itself, the episodic nature without a main character to at least follow makes it a bit boring. Perhaps the only interesting gags are the father and son who cheat at one of the fair games, and the piano players near the end. Aside from this the entire thing is rather mediocre and there was little attempt at restoration from what I can gather given how many artifacts were littered through the short.

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