Monday, January 3, 2011

Snakes On A Plane

"I have had it with these mother f---ing snakes, on this mother f---ing plane!" How I could not agree more, Samuel L Jackson.

After witnessing Eddie Kim commit a murder, Sean is taken onto a large plane by FBI agents Flynn and Sanders so that he can testify in LA against Kim. However, the man is prepared to do whatever it takes to keep Sean from doing this and plants a large crate of poisonous snakes on the plane, and circulates a pheromone that makes them even more aggressive and prone to attack people without being provoked.

What follows is chaos. The snakes are unleashed halfway through the flight and make quick work of a majority of the films extras, and traps the survivors at the front of the plane. When Agent Sanders is killed, it is up to Flynn and stewardess Clare to help keep people alive until the plane can be landed. As they try to repel the snakes in the air, Special Agent Harris enlists the aid of Dr. Steven Price so that they can gather all of the needed anti venom to save those who have been bitten on the plane.

Snakes on a Plane isn't exactly scary at all, the action not quite as large a "thrill-ride" as some claim it to be. The CGI snakes look pretty poor in my opinion and could have been handled better. A fair part of the dialogue and interactions feel quite awkward, especially in the beginning of the plane ride as well gets a bit silly - Samuel L Jacksons "speech" near the end most notably. There is also one large plot hole I can't help but scratch my head at. If these hyper aggressive snakes are all crammed in the same crate, why the hell didn't they all kill each other? As well, why did they include an enormous 19 foot python? Surely that one snake being removed would have made room for at least a dozen more poisonous ones.

Despite his silly speech, Samuel L Jackson is probably one of the better parts of this film, as well as the presence of Juilianna Margulies. Both actors do their best with an awkward script and a mediocre idea. Recommended as a popcorn flick only, but don't expect anything too great.

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