Sunday, January 2, 2011

Little Gray Neck

Oh my heart beats. Or so claims the unnamed rabbit character on multiple occasions as he watches poor Little Gray Neck's story unfold.

This is just one of the oddities in tonight's short. Little Gray Neck follows a small duck who injures her wing trying to escape from a fox and the trials she goes through to learn to fly again. Joining Little Gray Neck is her rabbit friend, the wise woodcock that teaches her to fly again and the evil fox. Little Gray Neck does have a mother, who assumes the small duck has died based off a few scattered feathers....and promptly flies off with the others down south for the winter.

The entire short is just....hilariously odd. Time passes quickly and we don't really see a ton of how our hero learns to fly again aside from the woodcock tricking her once when they first meet. Even after she learns to fly, she goes off to find the fox to play a trick on him which is rather risky considering how the fox has gotten the better of her before. The animation is alright, but the entire story and characters make it fairly uninteresting.

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