Friday, December 10, 2010

X-Mas Marks the Spot

Ghostbusters and Christmas, despite sounding like an odd combination actually works out rather well especially when it works in the elements of "A Christmas Carol"

The Ghostbusters, while driving out and about are sucked through a time hole and wind up back in the days of Ebeneezer Scrooge. Busting in at the shouts of ghosts, our heroes accidentally capture the three ghosts, not quite realizing what they are doing or the way it will affect things. Upon arriving back in present day they find that Christmas is no more thanks to Scrooge who never learnt his lesson.

While Egon dives into the machine that houses the ghosts to try and rescue the Christmas Ghosts, Peter, Raye and Winston go back in time to try do what they can to teach Scrooge his lesson. This of course largely means Peter dressing in a disguise as he attempts to do the Ghost of Christmas Pasts job and actually learns a lesson from it all himself. One highlight of this episode is actually getting to see inside the realm where all the stored ghosts are kept, including getting cameos from various ghosts already caught most notably Samhain. Definitely worth looking into for any casual Ghostbusters or Holiday fan.

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