Monday, November 22, 2010

Tarzan 2

Put your faith in what you most believe in. Well, I believe this movie is one giant "Big Lipped Alligator Moment." Essentially everything that happens in this movie is never discussed again, as if it had never happened. Usually sequels, or in some cases prequels, don't always interfere with the story from the first film. Movies like this however just screw with things since it happens right in the middle of the first film.

During Tarzan 2 the general theme is finding who you are. Our child sized hero tries to figure out who he is, since he seems to be failing at being a gorilla. Normally it's a rather nice theme to have in a movie, but "Tarzan" already covered this territory and in a better way.

Coming along for the adventure are Tarzan's friends, Terk and Tantor, as well as Kala. Joining in are four newer characters, a trio of evil apes and Zugor. While Zugor can be a somewhat alright character, the evil apes are rather out of place and seem to just be added for attempted comic relief. Most of their antics aren't really laugh out loud funny, and often border on a bit annoying.

The animation is rather iffy for me, on one hand the backgrounds are rather nice to look at - even if it has nothing on the theatrical releases. While the characters are a tad too cartoon show looking for my liking, it doesn't help that the main characters are younger.

Tarzan 2 is a passable film, I wouldn't really list it up in the top of the sequels released but it can still be an alright movie to watch. In the end, watch the first film and stick with that for it's far more entertaining.

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