Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Men In Black

Once an old favorite of mine from when I was younger, Men in Black over time was pushed aside in favor of newer movies that better held my interest, as well, ones that I had not seen multiple times when I'd prefer to see something new.

Men In Black follows Will Smith as he plays an officer of the NYPD who soon becomes recruited into the mysterious Men In Black. Taking him under his wing is Tommy Lee Jones who quickly works to try and train Smith in their ways. Adding pressure is the fact that a rather unhappy group of aliens is demanding that the "galaxy" be returned to them, if it is not they will destroy the earth.

The film for me is divided into a three main parts, the first of which is where we meet our characters and get to know a little bit of the way things work. Following that we get to continue learning a bit of the MIB while watching Jay (Smith) be trained and get going as the newest recruit to the group. Ending it is the main story, where we follow their race to get to the "galaxy" before a large cockroach villain and save the earth from being blow apart.

Men In Black can be quite comedic, though still contains a fun balance of action and sci-fi as well. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are a far more interesting pair than last nights duo of Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson. The two also seem to work really well together, neither one overshadowing the other. Despite the fact it has fallen a bit from it's previous place among my favorites, it is still a fully enjoyable film and well worth a watch for those wanting a lighter sci-fi film that does not require constant attention to every little thing said.

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