Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Men in Black 2

Men in Black!

Will Smith is back as Agent J in this second installment and is currently lacking a partner. It seems that ever since K (Tommy Lee Jones) retired, J has been going through several partners and gained a rep for neuralyzing them. This soon changes when Zaranna arrives in town, forcing Jay to go and get his old partner and mentor back in action.

Our villain's is quite prepared and takes over the entire MIB headquarters while Agents Jay and Kay are off working to get the latter man's memory back so that he can be of use in finding "The Light". It seems that he has a history with both the Light and the villain that goes back quite a few years.

Once they are able to get the full story, our heroes bust into their own base to take Zaranna on and save the world once again from being ruined.

Men in Black 2 reminds me a lot of the first one, though it doesn't really have the wonder that the first gave me. It also feels a bit....forced on the humor sometimes going into the more silly range that would appeal to kids. Though as far as sequels go, it's not all bad.

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