Friday, October 29, 2010

When Halloween Was Forever

The Real Ghostbusters is a favorite of mine, and even though they deal with the spooky and supernatural every episode it's still rather fun to get to see a Halloween themed episode from them.

It seems that with Halloween happening, all the ghosts are even more active than normal. Two little goblins (I think they are goblins) however break into a museum and unleash the evil known as Samhain. This results in the essence of Halloween wanting to create eternal night, as he takes over a clock tower and threatens to make time stop so that Halloween lasts forever.

Thankfully, Egon as usual has a rather genius plan to weaken Samhain, the apparent master of the night, with several bright lights just long enough to zap him with their guns and capture him. Once the pesky ghost is caught, all is well as time returns to normal and Halloween ends.

There are several things I enjoy about this short, part of it is the general atmosphere. I also really enjoy the use of Samhain and his visual appearance even if it may come across as a tad plain. But then, more elaborate designs can distract and don't really make the character fully enjoyable if they are boring. Another thing I enjoyed was getting to see the numerous minion ghosts circling and covering the clock tower. Then again I am a fan of the villains and such.

In the end, When Halloween Was Forever is a great watch both as a Halloween themed episode and as a Ghostbusters episode.

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