Monday, September 20, 2010

Dragonball Z: Frieza, Fall of a Tyrant.

For this review, I will be lumping all five Dragonball Z episodes into one large review, largely given the nature of them.

During these five episodes the main plot is largely centered around Goku (Our Hero) and Frieza (The Villain) as they duke it out at hyper speed on a self destructing planet. Meanwhile we also get a few glimpses of what's up from other characters, though most of it near the end is merely watching and waiting for the fight to end.

Now, onto the fight. Apparently this five+ episode fight takes place over mere minutes. Minutes. Yet for some ungodly reason we have to sit through roughly two hours of this drawn out fight. Filler much? I mean, I enjoy a really great fight, battle, duel etc. But seriously now, a several minute fight over multiple episodes? I could understand if it were a war/battle with -multiple- character PoV's which draws it out longer.

All in all, it's less enjoyable than other episodes/compilations for me. The animation is on par with what I'd expect from Dragonball Z.

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