Tuesday, September 7, 2010

District 9

Going to be brief today. District 9 is a great movie visually, the special effects are quite good and the script among the best of the films I've seen this year.


It's extremely slow paced, and contains a rather documentary type of feel to it. This is a huge detracting factor to enjoying it, especially if one (like me) is much happier with fast paced films.

The characters are rather few, and I found it hard to care really about the main character, Wilkus. His wife however, I was more sympathetic towards. The lack of a person to root for can make it hard to watch the film, though I suspect there are many out there who do care about Wilkus more so than I do.

In the end, this movie isn't a terrible movie it's just a really slow movie that feels longer than it is.

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