Thursday, September 2, 2010


Animorphs, based off a popular book series, follows five teens who are given the power to "morph" into animals. Together, they fight against the Yeerks, slug-like aliens who take over other species and are lead by the evil Visser Three.

The heroes include Jake, the leader, his cousin Rachel, Cassie an animal lover, Marco the practical joker and Tobias who is trapped in the form of a hawk. Today I sat and watched the three episodes I currently own of the series.

Between Friends:

This episode follows Rachel's concerns over her friend Melissa, whose father is being controlled by the Yeerks. Trouble ensues when she is caught in cat form eavesdropping on a meeting between the father and Visser Three.

The Message:

After Cassie and Tobias both see visions of another alien crashing to earth, the teens decide to seek it out to find out if the newcomer is friendly or not. What they find is a young Andalite warrior who they call Ax. However, as usual, Visser Three is close behind and intent on turning him into a mindless host for the Yeerks. A bit of slight humor introduced at the end as Ax learns to speak, though it's smile worthy at best.

The Reaction:

During a trip to the zoo, Cassie and Rachel save a young boy from the crocodile pen. However it comes with the side affect of Cassie being allergic to the newly acquired crocodile morph. This proves to have bad timing when the two girls go to be on a t.v show to recount their heroism and the allergy is expelled from Cassie. They also happen to find a popular t.v star who is being controlled and seek to try freeing him from the Yeerks grasp.

The show is pretty decent in the end. Some of the acting isn't exactly top notch, Visser Three comes off a tad comedic at times which could have been intentional. The special effects are rather good, at least during the morphing sequences. The Andalite aliens look a tad clunky but it can only be expected from blue horse sized aliens that...wield scorpion tails. Huh.

This review may be a tad hard to follow for those who are not familiar with the books, or who have not read them in a good deal of time like myself. Even then, the show does make some alterations such as morphing. While in the show they can go about it as they please, in the books they are required to wear skin tight clothing underneath otherwise when they change back it's in the nude.

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