Monday, August 30, 2010

Yours, Mine and Ours (2005)

Today's review takes us through 2005's, Yours, Mine and Ours starring Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo.

Initially, it comes off as just a slightly larger version of Cheaper By the Dozen, and it really isn't anything we haven't seen before with the former. Aside from a pig for a pet and slightly more kids.

Dennis Quaid plays a by the books Admiral who is a tad....zealous in everything and runs his kids like they belong in the military. Rene Russo on the other hand plays the complete opposite, a completely open and hippy type of mother who thrives off a cluttered workplace.

The following 87 minutes is a pretty predictable romp as the two sets of kids instantly clash and do everything in their power to drive each other crazy. That is until they decide to drive their parents apart instead.

Most of the movie centers on the mayhem caused by the eighteen kids, whether it's them causing chaos in the hardware store or wrecking their new home. Most stunts are reminiscent of Home Alone and Cheaper By the Dozen, some of which often involve in Dennis Quaid falling into or onto goo.

For the most part, Quaid and Russo manage to carry themselves pretty well, even having a resemblance of chemistry but a predictable plot and rather poor script works against them. The eldest kids also manage to do rather well, even if they fall into basic stereotypes that we are pretty familiar with but somehow manage to trudge on through.

Ultimately, it's not one of the best comedies out there as most of the jokes and gags are unfunny and repetitive. It's also pretty hard to care about 90% of the kids when they get barely enough screen time to develop or are just far too similar to each other to note any difference.

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